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Sunday, December 3 - the First Sunday in Advent  - We are ushering a New Church Year known as Year B. The gospel readings on most Sundays will be from the Gospel of Mark 

Sunday December 10 - the Second Sunday in Advent - Our choir will be singing an anthem together with the Ukrainian vocal ensemble Družba or Friendship. We may also have a solo from one of our youth. 

Sunday December 17 - a Service of Lessons and Carols. There will be no sermon or Holy Communion. 

Sunday December 24, Christmas Even - Candlelight Service at 5:00PM  

Sunday December 31, New Year's Eve  - family service at 3:00PM followed by a potluck supper and games.  We will reflect on the blessings and struggles of the last 12 months and pray-in the New Year. 

You need you to register for this event! If you have a gmail account - please send in your RSVP on this google form. If you do not have gmail - please email the church at OR  pick up a paper RSVP form in the narthex, fill in your response and drop it into the offering plate. If we do not have enough participants the service will be cancelled.