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  • Nearly 1.5% of the world’s population— over 117 million—are forcibly displaced people.
  • Around 40% of those who are forcibly displaced are children under the age of 18.
  • Low - and middle-income countries host 75% of the world’s refugees.

On World Refugee Sunday, we remember forcibly displaced people around the globe, celebrate their strength and courage, and build empathy for their plight.

Please join us on June 30 for a Service of Holy Communion with guest preacher and presider, Rev. Matthew Senf. We will  pray for all those who have had to flee, and for all those who will offer welcome. We also are making an appeal for additional donations for Fatima's family who arrived this month to help with rising housing costs. 

Hope you will join us! 

Image: Kigeme Refugee Camp, by Oxfam East Africa, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic Licence