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"It has been devastating and heartbreaking to hear in the news that the remains of 215 children buried in unmarked graves have been found on the Kamloops Indian Residential School grounds,” say ELCIC National and Synod Bishops in a letter to the church released today.

The letter invites ELCIC members to join in prayer for the families of those children, for the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation, for the City of Kamloops and for First Nations Communities across Canada as they grieve this loss. Our bishops also call for a renewed call to re-engage in the work of reconciliation. Read the full letter in the file attachment below. 

The image is the memorial candle installation in Gloria Dei's courtyard for the 215 children buried in unmarked graves. The installation will be part of the video Worship Service for Indigenous Sunday on June 20 prepared by Cari Klaassen. (Photo credit: Rev. Aneeta Saroop). 

If you are looking for further resources, please consider the following:

2011 ELCIC Convention Resolution on Encouraging Right Relationships with Indigenous Peoples 2015 ELCIC Convention Resolution repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery
The Anglican Church of Canada 2019 Apology for Spiritual Harm
Anglican Church of Canada Reconciliation Toolkit

Indigenous Ministries award winning film  Doctrine of Discovery: Stolen lands, Strong Hearts

The KAIROS Blanket Exercise
The TRC Calls to Action

Faithful God,
We remember the many, many, Indigenous children who did not return from residential school, including those whose remains were discovered on the grounds of the Kamloops (Tk’emlúps) Residential School. Grant comfort in the midst of grief and trauma. Strengthen the Secwépemc people, Indian Residential School survivors, their families and their communities as they process this tragic loss. Renew our commitment to the journey of truth-telling, mourning and responsibility and guide us in the ways of healing and love.