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Every week for the last four years Lois G. has been attending EfM classes either in person or via Zoom. My guess, as you read this, is that you are asking, "What does EfM stand for and what is it about?" EfM, otherwise known as Education for Ministry is a four year program of biblical studies, church history and theology. Groups of 6-12 members meet weekly with a mentor who has been certified by the EfM program, and Lois's mentor was none other than our own Jim B!

Last Tuesday it was my joy to visit Holy Trinity Anglican Cathedral in New Westminister and participate in the service of Holy Communion honoring the graduates of the program.  Bishop John Stephens of the Diocese of New Westminister presided,  Rev. Paula Porter Leggett, EfM Coordinator for the diocese was the preacher, and Lois offered the Prayers of the People. 

Lois and Jim were not the only Lutherans associated with the program, so if you would like to learn more about it,  I know that Lois and Jim would be happy to share all that they have learned - not only from books but also from the wisdom and knowledge flowing from the community of enthusiastic learners. (Gail Berger is also a graduate, from the class of 2018). 

Congratulations Lois!