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Image: Church of the Holy Innocents, San Salvador 

Dear Members and Friends of Gloria Dei, and all readers of our Newsletter, from near and far, 

On Christmas Eve we will proclaim the Good News of Christmas, 

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.” 

The world has never been free of wars and human suffering is always with us. However, this year, we feel our longing for peace ever more acutely.  On top of the ongoing wars in Ukraine, in Sudan and elsewhere,  the attacks and atrocities committed by Hamas on October 7, followed by Israel’s disproportionate response on the people of Gaza seem to have plunged our world into a darkness which few -if any- of us have experienced in our lifetime. 

However, because we live in North America, we only experience the darkness from a distance, from the safety of our living rooms and computer desks or hand-held devices. We have benefits most people in the world can only dream of -  that of living in a peaceful, prosperous democracy and making our home in one of the most affluent and privileged neighbourhoods in the country. 

In explaining a parable on faithfulness, Jesus says, “From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required…” Luke 12:48

We, North American Christians, have been given much. This Christmas, as we gather with family and friends around a festive table, as we light our candles on Christmas Eve, may we also ask ourselves what does the Lord require of me so that more peace, more justice, more hope can be brought into the world? How can I express solidarity with the people of Gaza, with the people of Ukraine, and all those who suffer from the violence of war and injustice. How can the light brought into the world through the Christ Child shine through me and help dispel the shadows of discouragement and despair?  

Yours in the Peace of Christ, 

Pastor Vida