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Black HistoryMonth Week 4

This week we lift up Joseph Fortes

February is Black History Month - our congregation belongs to the BC Synod which is sharing an article each week in February lifting up a Black leader in British Columbia. This fourth week highlights Vancouver Citizen of the Century, Seraphim Joseph Fortes.

Seraphim Joseph Fortes was born in Port-of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies on February 9, 1863. Credited with saving at least 29 lives from drowning, including adults and children, as well as teaching three generations of Vancouver children to swim; in 1986 the Vancouver Historical Society formally declared Joe as “Vancouver Citizen of the Century.”

The National Film Board produced this film by Jill Haras – an animated short film on the life of Joe Fortes.


God who claims us as your children raise up leaders, pure of heart to courageously care for those in need. Bless the life of Seraphim Joe Fortes and all who remember his dedicated care for his community. In Jesus we pray, Amen.